what a celebration!
sarah carter, who grew up in albuquerque, had hoped for a winter-wonderland-of-a-wedding-day and oh my did her wishes ever come true!an ice storm a few days prior had primed the landscape and the big flakes stuck like magic to every surface the eye could see...
.....and the dripping didn't stop on the OUTSIDE;
look at these beautiful details shots annika made of these charming, luscious creations made-for-the-occasion by tyler's aunt:.... it's the dripping quality i love the most!

correction: aunts like THESE.....

hint #1:

the winter-wonderland/dripping-in-sweetness theme was so beautifully carried throughout the weekend...tyler's mom together with kent of kent's floral gallery worked wonders in kimball ballroom

....the energy and glee could scarcely be contained....

....just like the look on sarah's face during the ceremony; oh don't you just wanted to reach out and squeeze her!

well, with clay cumbie, it seems, your wish is his command....
clay graciously recorded this (by request) just a few days after the wedding so that yep, you, too can HEAR it AND see what the excitement is all about. click HERE!

what a doll you are!!
(and speaking of dolls:)

when annika and i left the celebration we found cars encapsulated in ice.... but even as guests slid to the parking lot laughter punctuated the sounds of ice scrapers at work ~ it's just impossible to be anything but happy in tyler + sarah's midst.....
such love!
such energy!
such life!
happiness, even in below freezing tempurtures, radiated through the air.
sarah + tyler have an AMAZING collection of friends ... and from getting to know them and meeting their terrific families, it's very easy to see why.
thank you, thank you for the chance to take part...
loved it all!!!!

Happy New Year everyone!
amy enderle
day in review with sound! - click for the slideshow, sit back, and enjoy