thoughts + pictures from SilverBox Photographers amy enderle + kim wade
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 10:12 PM 3 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: Amy's family, SilverBox Star: ANNIKA
with the win our hearts | win your wedding contest launch, mailings went out to family + friends and at this point we've approached a few of our favorite area merchants, too.
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 10:22 PM 0 COMMENTS Permalink
just saw this:
Interested couples must submit a brief video essay introducing who they are, how they met, and why they would like to win a Pure Maine Wedding. Winners will be chosen based on entrants' stories and their desire to experience Pure Maine.The package doesn't, however, include a wedding photographer, and well, we know some good people ;)
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 9:12 AM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
**because i'm a big believer in good books being CIRCULATED rather than SHELVED, the first person who sends me their mailing address with an "i want that book!" message can go out + wait by their mailbox...it's on the way. I LOVE PASSING ON A GOOD BOOK. (physically as well as just in a "recommendation" sense.)Weiner offers lots of good insights, interesting journeys...but 2 of my favorites follow; both found in the epilogue where the author sort of reflects and summarizes.....in his words:
"Our happiness is completely and utterly intertwined with other people: family and friends and neighbors and the woman you hardly notice who cleans your office. Happiness is not a noun or verb. It's a conjunction. Connective tissue." ~ Weiner, The Geography of Bliss, pg 325"It's worth considering carbon. We wouldn't be here without it.Carbon is the basis of all life, happy and otherwise.Carbon is also a chameleon atom.Assemble it one way ~ in tight, interlocking rows ~ and you have a diamond.Assemble it another way ~ a disorganized jumble ~ and you have a handful of soot.The arranging makes all the difference."~ Weiner, The Geography of Bliss, pg 322
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 9:40 AM 3 COMMENTS Permalink
I put my iPhone to work today!
(Well, except for this first image....grabbed the 5D with the 85 attached right out of the camera bag as we were almost ready to walk out the door. There was just something about how proud Zoe looked, all bundled up with arms stretching around oversized Valentine's Box.) Remember making these?Kids at school; soo perfect time to catch up with my stupendous business partner downtown.
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 10:28 PM 0 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: Grant Elementary School
this is 2 part, sharing.
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 12:35 PM 0 COMMENTS Permalink
A few days ago our friend & neighbor, Carlynn Trout, called needing some portraits.
"No problem," we said, "what's the occasion?"
And here was Carlynn's good news:
a play she wrote, LITTLE GIRL TENANT, was selected by the 2008 Kansas City Women's Playwriting Festival. Yahoooo!!!
This means her play will be presented at the Festival from March 7 through March 16 at the Just Off Broadway Theater, 3051 Central in Kansas City, Missouri.
Wanna go see it?! Here's what you need to know. Tickets are $15.
Showtimes are:
March 7, 8, 14, and 15 ~ 8:00 PM
March 9 and 16 ~ 3:00 PM
March 13 ~ 7:30 PM
plus an industry appreciation night on March 10 with a 7:3o PM curtain.WAY TO GO, Carlynn; we are SO excited for you! And wouldn't it be great if a few Silver Lining blog fans read this entry and headed over to the performance?! See you there...
~kim & amy
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 12:29 PM 0 COMMENTS Permalink