elizabeth + ryan . . . i'm gonna love shooting their wedding!
we met for their engagement session on a glorious late summer evening at . . . the bank drive-through. yep, you read that right: the bank drive-through! Get this: elizabeth + ryan met while working as tellers at this downtown columbia bank, so we had to make some pictures there.
and right across the street . . . i never realized how cute a parking meter could be, but put a couple-in-love in front of one and voila!
and something else you should know about elizabeth + ryan: they have started their own pet sitting business. It's called Tiger Tail Pet Sitters, and they will come to your home to care for pets (and home and plants etc.) when you're out of town. Next time we take a trip, I'm calling them! Click here to see their website (and check out their own sweet guy below):
click to see more pictures in their slideshow, set to music performed by our favorite guitarist, Thom Howard.
here comes the sun.
it's Fall.
the leaves are turning.
give that sweetie of yours a kiss.
elizabeth + ryan: in love at the drive through
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 1:18 PM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: COUPLE-Elizabeth+Ryan
sneak peak extravaganza: blown away by Cott-n-Candy
it's been a busy but terrific couple of weeks.
and you cannot imagine how very wonderful these 3 women (and their relationship with each other, their husbands and their parents) truly are.
ali told me with tears in her eyes at friday's nights beach-bonfire that she was just so very happy because:
"i just didn't know if there could be a wedding -- if there could even be a place to HAVE a wedding -- as unique and perfect as candy deserves. she is such a great and wonderful person and i'm just so glad this is happening for her. i'm so happy that she's so happy"(and candy is her little sister! - is that THE most touching thing you've ever heard ~ by this point there were tears in my eyes, too, let me tell you!)
"i just can't think you enough. these pictures will mean so much to candy and to scott and to all of us. thank you. really. thank you."
there are MANY more coming soon and oh, just wait till you see THIS slideshow.
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 9:25 AM 3 COMMENTS Permalink
matt + elizabeth :: just married!
i wish . . .the laptop has a memory like an elephant.
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 7:48 AM 2 COMMENTS Permalink
check this out . . .
OK, of all my friends, who really makes me LAUGH!
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 10:45 PM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
impromptu headshots, successful quests+ a sneak peak, too
ODE TO (come now, hum ode to joy* will ye??)
ODE TO (THE QUEST for) the perfect . . . .
[ shoes: earth, but a style now discontinued...aargh ][ couch: paul + i stumbled upon it HERE in tower grove -- it's a custom-made modern-design piece clearly crafted-per-client request in the 1960s. the-future's-antiques-store uncovered it at an estate sale, and we LOVE it. It's an L-shaped sectional made from 7 subtlely different sun + foliage shades of genuine Naugahyde; you've gotta see it to believe just how great it is!][ wristwatch -- found!!! -- for our 15th wedding anniversary, paul gave me the MOST FABULOUS watch with a card reading "had a feeling this would be just PERFECT" ~ his insight especially right-on since i'd sent him THIS LINK ]
"You can return the watch and I will replace the face - no charge!
Just send it to the studio..."

Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 9:27 AM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
sherri + doug ~ married!
doug and sherri . . . i've been grinning from ear-to-ear while picking out pictures for this blog entry just thinking about how fairy-tale-BEAUTIFUL their wedding was. From the horse-drawn carriage and the doves, to the lovely setting at Stone Hill Winery in Hermann with its brick buildings, vineyards, wine cellars:
. . . but it was sherri and doug -- their obvious devotion to one another AND to their friends -- that made their wedding such a joy to be at.
sherri RADIATED joy the entire day. these are some of my favorite EVER "getting ready" pictures:. . . the picture above of sherri with her friends is pure wedding photojournalism. i love the unbridled joy of it. and the picture below of doug with his friends (made by annika) is just GREAT! . . . perfect use of depth-of-field to distinguish doug in the crowd
. . . and what a fun crowd it was! doug and sherri and their wedding party did just about everything that Hermann has to offer in a day. we hung out in the vineyards, visited Stone Hill's wine cellars, and strolled across the missouri river bridge:
. . . and then, a surprise to guests, sherri arrived by carriage to be escorted by her brother to the ceremony
these looks by sherri reminds me of the note she's placed on her cell phone main menu screen: "love doug forever"
other ceremony favorites:
and the party . . . since doug works at Millers Professional Imaging, there were tons of fun-loving, cigar-smoking, karaoki-singing millers folks. amy and i thank our lucky stars that millers photo lab is located in columbia; it was a treat to finally get to meet a lot of the people who make millers as great as it is.
i could say lots more, but sherri may be up waiting for this blog entry to hit her in-box at this very moment, so i'm sending it off to cyberspace with a heartfelt "THANK YOU" to doug and sherri for trusting SilverBox to photograph their wedding.
and hey, click on their wedding slideshow for even more pictures.
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 11:42 PM 1 COMMENTS Permalink