the above image?
a close-up of a turn-of-the-century radiator, found HERE:
IF YOU ARE PLANING a missouri wedding,
you'd be crazy CRAZY NOT to consider having your event
but contract SilverBox, OK? ~ 'cause we're so eager to get back!! and get ready for the party
(and/or retire from the party)
just upstairs in your fabulously rennovated guest room:
it is a CHARMING place inside and out:
jane + tim said their vows (that they'd written themselves) what a meaningful ceremony!
everything was orchestrated so perfectly.
the most powerful part:
tim + jane read aloud the names of family members. family members who've died but whom they felt were with them on their wedding day.
after jane + tim read each name, reverend sam mann led the congregation in a responding with "A-SHEE" ~
a term rev mann describes as "a positive expression of affirmation of the presence of the ancestor"
with each resounding of "A-SHee" the minister poured water from the pitcher onto the ivy at the base of the stage.
sam described it this way:
the ceremony comes from the ancient Swahili community and
its spiritual tradition that focuses on ancestral worship and
the relationships between ancient spirits and present spirits...
this is not just a cognitive remembering of ancestors
but it invites the ancestors to come into the relationship....
the presence of the ancestors is literally with us in the
hearts, minds, souls, and natural surroundings of the community...
i'm realizing i could type for weeks and still not communicate the depth of their celebration.
guess i'm going to launch into the sharing of pictures instead...
like this just-married moment that makes me so very proud of annika miller
(lighting in theaters makes for some of the toughest shooting conditions around and look at THIS perfect exposure and fabulous capture of a defining moment)

and THIS image that i took as they exited the theatre is really growing on me:

and then, just outside:
tim + jane:

jane + her siblings:

her whole family:

oh, and tim's, too!

so much (and so many!) to love!!

there's more, there's LOTS more.
little slices:

the memories, the laughter:

the LOVE:

so let's SPREAD the LOVE a bit . . .
the first Silver Lining reader who correctly identifies the two men just behind mary jane and tim
by zipping off an email to h e l l o @ S i l v e r B o x . c o m with your name + mailing address
gets an Adam Stanley Requisite Renaissance CD ~ it been listened to about 40 times, and is now loaded on every computer, laptop and iPod in the house.
who's adam stanley? you could either, read down to the very bottom of the Hold That Hug! entry BELOW
or well, CLICK HERE!