
[S3]: winners!

The S3 debut concert [a.k.a amy's brother-in-law's band] was actually a part of a Club Wars battle-of-the-bands competition. No wind, no rain could stop sometimes three fans, baby. [hee-hee...that's the name of their band, not number of fans... perhaps the media will have to be careful with that trickey wording soon?!] . . . Anyway, it was GREAT to be at the Grand Emporium and to witness first-hand their fans' affection & to overhear 21st-century introductions that went something like: "HI! I'm so-&-so from My Space".
Wow. Totally tickled by this technology? More Silver Lining: Tuesday's rain made for this color-dripping street scene. Band-battling Round II is on the horizon. Stay tuned. Even sooner: check back here for the next slideshow, featuring yet another S3 song. You'll see images from Philip & Cody's weekend wedding. Reception theme: "Breakfast at Tiffany's" at which the most scrumptous eggs benedict was served. Yep, that was their MAIN course. What a hoot! Better yet, it came with with mimosas! i'll be sure to incorporate a few food & beverage images in the slideshow for any non-believers out there. Be happy ~ amy