i love that fleeting feeling . . .
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 7:29 PM 0 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: COUPLE-Jenny+Daniel, ring shot
ok ONE more shot with wonderful new lens . . .
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 8:55 AM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: COUPLE-Jenny+Daniel, ring shot
Macro lens fun! PLUS a new light source!
you know how when we get home and it's almost 1AM and even though you started shooting 10 or 12 hours ago, you just CAN'T settle down + go to bed, NOT YET b/c these images are just too exciting and you've gotta see 'em?
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 1:31 AM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: ring shot, SilverBox Star: ANNIKA
Easter Riddles; OSP Indy and love = making pictures
a. the Bunny found us!
c. paul found a few devilishly good egg hiding places :)
.....it's a pinky-swear: our kids love this "uncovering" part as much as the chocolate:)
crazy that the Bunny knows so much about his NFL feelings, don't you think ;) -- his BEST shoes are "like dad's" -- nike huaraches ....wanna figure out what color they are based on the REST of the info??

Having trouble? Thank "snowman nose" or the only good thing about those Broncos!
when the girls were asked to model for the difficult-venue-lighting session, zoe was determined go out and find matching outfits; and LOOK, these were within a few block of the hotel (the OMNI SEVERIN in downtown Indianapolis and boy was our service top notch!)

Here's an image from night skyline lighting session led by Anne Ruthman.
It's of 2 very cool photographers who braved bone chilling temps while the rest of us collaborated, talking of things such as how much ambient vs. off camera flash we'd prefer.

and here's somethiing zoe and sophie loved even more than the Indy Children's Museum:
coming to OSP from Chattanooga, TN, lil miss Graycen Nudd:

perhaps my most beloved photographer's x-mas card of ALL TIME is from a photographer who was SURE ENOUGH able to make it out one night in Indy....we met Bobbi (of Bobbi + Mike) and so many of these wonderful Indy-area people last year at the Zack Aras ONE-LIGHT workshop (held AT Turtle Pond headquarters) and anyway, could I make this any more confusing??
final note (a silly excuse personally; a great OSP-raises-the-bar in so many ways example) : its probably THIS CARD:
that i saw on Bobbi+Mike's blog that set such a high standard that I never got around to sending our own holiday wishes this year; we just weren't up to being quite this cute...
ridiculous, yes....and wow does that add the pressure for next year.....

hmmm, what would The Bunny do??
PS all kidding aside; open-source get-togethers; open-source sharing, yep it raises the standards, the outputs, the abilities of us ALL....plus, whew; fun crew!
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 11:38 PM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: Amy's family, Kim's family
Jamie + Omar (and family!) at Goshen Historic Church
we're packing up equipment (and our daughters -- yeah, we'll see how that goes) and heading out at dawn (ok, BEFORE dawn) for a photography workshop in Indianapolis.

(this is at David the Salon; Abbie -- the wedding stylist -- was AMAZING!)

and no kidding, his toast was one of the best i'd ever heard.
not only was it well written (and he's TEN!); his TIMING rocked the house.
my intentions were to grab a copy to post here but THESE GUYS: dan + susan simon (who's wedding i documented that very first year i was shooting and who this winter introduced me to jamie . . .) anywho

it was THAT good!
one partial line went something like:
"my sisters and i are happy to see our mom so happy and excited for you to be part of our lives, but just remember, my mom wears the pants in the family and I'M the man of the house"

and speaking of things too good to miss....
we are SO EXCITED ABOUT GIVING AWAY THIS WEDDING PACKAGE. April 1st (no foolin') is the deadline....we'll introduce you to some of the applicants at that point....but in the meantime; get those stories and jpgs in
back in the office Thursday!
have a great week!

Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 12:46 AM 2 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: COUPLE-Jamie+Omar
What's not to love about the City Museum
oh the mixed blessing of a "no-school-day" ~
here's our recent st. louis excursion to dive into the sights, sounds and adventure of the City Museum.
each of my kids got to invite a friend and tycho was delighted that elliot (kim + david's 8 year-old) said "yes!"

Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 11:11 PM 0 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: Amy's family, Kim's family
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 10:48 AM 0 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: Amy's family
Rangefinder * Magazine features SilverBox
* THE premier photographers' magazine ( whoa, we feel so lucky! ~ photographers from so many different parts of the world read Rangefinder. . . )
SilverBox is featured in the March issue of Rangefinder Magazine! We are THRILLED! ("excited, e-c-s-t-a-t-i-c-!, ELATED, yes, deliriously delighted" adds amy.) So thrilled (& all of the above!) in fact, that I haven't even told my husband, David, yet 'cause I can't wait to hand him the hard copy version of the magazine and say something like: "hey, there's a story in here you might want to check out :')! (Now we'll see if he peeks at the blog before the issue arrives in our mailbox!)
Take a look at the article below (click on each page & it will pop up large and legible on your screen) or, if you'd like to see it in another format, you can download a pdf of the article by clicking here.

And Ronnie Garrett, thanks for telling the SilverBox story so well! By the way, Ronnie is a photographer AND a freelance writer. This was her first article in Rangefinder, and she's already been asked to do another one. So if you've got a writing assignment you'd like her to take on, go ahead and contact her . . . she says "I'm always looking for photographers who are doing really great work, be it portraits, street photography, landscapes, wildlife, black and white etc. They can contact me at rl_garrett7@yahoo.com or call me at 920-650-7875 (if I don't answer, they can leave a message)..."
~ kim wade
~ amy enderle
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 11:22 AM 3 COMMENTS Permalink
learning from friends (or i.e. how to make a head shot)
"LeapFrog Learning" is what kim calls it.

Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 12:43 PM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: Grant Elementary School
WPJA 1st PLACE WINNER ~ Amy Enderle!
"AMY!!!! HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR EMAIL?!" . . . I think I might have even yelled it . . . in a late night ecstatic phone call to my business partner EXTRAORDINAIRE ~ Amy Enderle ~ whom we discovered had just won FIRST PLACE in the "emotion" category of WPJA's 4th Quarter photo contest.
This is A BIG DEAL!
First, the contest is only open to members of WPJA (Wedding Photojournalist Association), and membership is NOT automatic. Photographers must apply for admittance because WPJA wants to ensure its members truly take a photojournalistic approach to weddings. Then each award category receives hundreds of entries from photographers all over the world. To even PLACE in a category is an honor. To actually get FIRST PLACE?! INCREDIBLE!
And so well-deserved . . . here's the image on WPJA's website:

But as ecstatic as we are over Amy's recognition, making the picture was really secondary to making the moment possible. So here's the back story: Andy's grandmother had never missed a single one of her grandchildren's weddings. When she was admitted to the hospital just before Andy & Rachael's wedding, they told Amy: "We really want to see her on our wedding day." So Amy said, "Let's make it work while you're in your wedding clothes." They made last minute changes to the itinerary. Amy drove Rachael to the hospital where Rachael and Andy had a private moment with each other before stepping into his grandmother's room. The hospital requested that only family be in the room, and so Amy documented this moment, along with their smiles and laughter, from the doorway.
Check out what the judges had to say:
JUDGES COMMENTS: I wish there was a caption on this image especially. Very touching. Nicely done.
Straight forward approach with lens and light made it work. This picture was very moving and brought an instant emotion of sadness to me. It is not necessarily the hardest picture to capture but the moment, the emotions, and the scene is what separates this photo from the rest.
Beautifully composed photo with sensitivity of an unexpected moment where the bride and groom visit what appears to be an ailing grandmother in the hospital.
This is a very powerful picture, very moving, this is the reason people want photojournalist style wedding pictures. I think an emotion picture should make you feel something and this nails it. What an amazing opportunity the photographer had to witness something so profound.
The photographer took it one step further and followed the bride and groom to the hospital to visit someone close to them. There is joy and sadness in this photo. It stood out from all the rest.
Amy, you DO stand out from all the rest. I'm so proud of you!
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 9:12 AM 5 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: WPJA
the world view of a 7 year old . . .
tomorrow is a Friday . . . but a Friday without school here in columbia, SO the kids and i are headed to the übercool CITY MUSEUM and each kid gets to invite one friend. [a mom trick that always serves us well . . . though it doubles our numbers, it is significantly easier and happier to parent my own kids when they each are partnered with a friend instead of a
tycho: 'i know! i think i'll invite uncle parker'
me: well, uncle parker [note to readers: bald-ish bass player in video at this link] probably can't come since he's a teacher and in kansas city they probably DO have school tomorrow.mom, again: well, since uncle jim is in kansas city but the city museum is in st. louis, that might be a little far for him to come [note to readers: 4+ hours]tycho: but, mom, duh, uncle jim has a CAR!mom: yes, he has a car, but it's kind of a long way AND we're going on a friday, so uncle jim is probably workingtycho: uncle jim has a JOB? what kind of job?mom: uncle jim is an artist, but an artist who uses a computer
tycho: a computer??. . . <aarg> that is SO CHEATING!
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 9:28 PM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: Amy's family
the proof is in the ORIGINALS BOX SET
We gotta rave about our unique and oh-so-very-lovely proofing product: SilverBox's very own Originals Box Set. Until the OBS, we'd tried several proofing strategies (loose prints in boxes . . . prints in standard proof albums), but we hadn't yet found the product of our dreams.
The dilemma: How to present couples with their 400 or so 4x6 wedding proofs in a way that keeps the prints safe, protected, in sequence AND is a lovely keepsake in itself? Something that would fit our boutique-like commitment to above-and-beyond quality.
The solution: The Originals Box Set. Each and every SilverBox couple now gets an OBS that holds 400 original prints, takes 10 hours to build by hand, is made of acid-free archival paper, and is available only if SilverBox Photographers documents your wedding.
We are indebted to fiber artists extraordinaire ~ Brooke & Allen of Originals Paper Art ~ for designing the OBS to suit our [aaahemmm] somewhat particular tastes. And we've been so curious about how Brooke & Allen actually handcraft our Original Box Sets, that Amy and I traveled to Kirksville to see OBS assembly in action.
And of course, we had to document the assembly process with . . . photos! So here's a photo tour of the creation of an Originals Box Set:
Our first step is to hand Brooke and Allen a set of 4x6 (color-corrected and optimized) first edition proof prints that we've organized into chapters unique to the flow of each wedding:Allen then builds the chapter covers using toothy archival paper:
He drills holes into each chapter:
and binds the chapter together with ribbon:
Next, Allen builds a custom-fit box (because a 3-hour "reception only" event might have 250 images while a wedding may end up at 421 prints . . . the slipcase box is made specifically for the exact images and exact chapters it houses):

Thanks, Brooke and Allen, for giving us a sneak peek and for creating a proofing product that is unique AND beautiful AND functional! It's the best proofing product we can imagine!
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 1:50 PM 0 COMMENTS Permalink