images now . . .
(and slideshow link, too!)posed images are rarely my favorite. but wow. the above image seems exactly right. we have a lot from this series, so my most favorite may change over time, but i think they work because
a. anne is sooooo lovely;
b. anne was totally at ease, at peace, and at the same time: overjoyed;
c. instead of strict posing, it was much more directed-but-fluid. seems to make all the difference!
annika and i and the wedding party spent 25 minutes after the ceremony at the train station, and oh am i loving these pictures!!
more from the station; anne laughing AT doug:
laughing WITH doug:anne and doug, their cute cute selves:
but let's back up. all the way to friday night. what a fun spot for rehearsal dinner:
the artist of record on the above work: Campbell Laird, (but Cam of Amy Keller-Grady Laird Wedding best-mandom, swears he's NOT the Campbell Laird who painted them. Can there BE two?)
love THIS of anne saturday morning in her old room:THIS really happened, too:
anne's dad walks in, seeing her for the first time in her gown, and her mom just watches (oh LOVE it!!)
group-shots-in-motion, yep THIS is the way to go . . . we do this reservoir dog thing all the time, but i don't remember it ever being more animated:
here's a non-animated group shot just so you can see the whole gang . . .
WONDERFUL people!!
and oh, i'm proud of this series.
anne with her dad moments before going down the aisle:
and this next one . . . just seconds after doug + anne came back up the aisle:
so cute!
and there are HUNDREDS MORE just as cute i'm telling you.
wanna peek at their slideshow and see a few of them?!
c o n f e s s i o n s :
- i always thought gloria gaynor was a one-hit wonder, but NO . . .
- my friend rita and i almost won $500 (or maybe it was some kind of jet ski type thing) 15 or 16 years ago in a clearwater, iowa bar with our karaoke rendition of i-will-survive
- i can't sing to save my life but rita's fantastic . . . i do however bring sheer volume and an unabashed devil-may-care attitude to any "performance"
- projection matters ~ sure vocalists only if they're on-key, but for speakers, in general . . . projection = a good thing! and it was a public speaking course in which i FIRST met anne . . . probably 8, maybe 9 years ago: i was anne's TA in an intro-to-public-speaking class at MU. as a freshman, she stayed after class and introduced herself to me on the very first day.
- back to the SONG you'll hear HERE -- it was in anne + doug's car during their KC engagement session, that i first heard tingsek's rendition of this song and i so meant to "save it" for their wedding BUT
- then last week it seemed so perfect for amy + kyle
- LOVE this version, perhaps even more! -- listen to what's happening in the background during ring exchange. what a hoot!
- i first met DOUG at molly + adam's wedding, grooving to the "love shack" if i recall correctly.
- the B-52s were big BIG when i was in college . . . not grad school, COLLEGE . . . that's how old i am: michael jackson in elementary school; Duran-Duran and culture club in junior high; madonna + prince in high school; the B-52s and U2 in college; oh and that Modern English i'd-stop-the-world-to-melt-with-you song playing pretty much at every party i ever went to. so yep...pretty old but (just to see if she's reading this far) ~ kim's OLDER ;)
anne + doug :: JUST MARRIED!
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 10:14 PM 0 COMMENTS Permalink
today's edition
. . . in more of today's news, THIS was fun to see . . . SilverBox is one of the local women-owned businesses featured in the Columbia Business Times

click HERE to see a legible copy thru the Columbia Business Times site and check back in . . . anne + doug's slideshow is getting closer-to-being-ready by the minute.
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 10:32 AM 0 COMMENTS Permalink
family focus . . .

F u n n y .

+ Figuring out the Frame-within-the-Frame Formula, too
[see Felton-Bettis Family For more]

Far-and-away, Fantatic!!!
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 9:50 AM 0 COMMENTS Permalink
amy + kyle :: ENGAGED!
sometimes my kids think i have such a boring job . . . the part they see is me-at-the-computer-editing + post-processing. (how fun can THAT be? they think) OR they find me ("mom, again??") listening to looping/repeating song while creating a slideshow (like this one) -- but see, it's such fun music what's not to love?)
News to report, however: the editing + slideshow creation of amy + kyle's shoot was an entirely different matter.
though all those things might be true, their sudden interest is because we started shooting amy + kyle's session at their brand new house . . . see what i mean:

W-H-A-T-?-!-?, why didn't Ozzie get to go with you downtown? Tycho (who along with Zoe, LONGS for a dog of his own) screeched aloud [hey amy + kyle, need any eager dog-watchers?]

PLUS you can get a chicken salad sandwich and glass of wine with your that's MY kind of pool hall. but i'd be remiss to not tell you about the burgers and fries. (plus, click HERE for great specials)
it's the real deal . . . just with wine and gourmet sandwich bonus. WOW.
side note: paul and i actually took all of our kids in over lunch one day a few weeks back. it was rainy, paul was off work, and i was needing a quick breather. and there was pretty much no food in the house. we had such fun! (though avery whooped us at 9-ball - like 3 games out of 4 whooping). paul and i played a lot of pool during our dating days -- there were a few tables in the student union building and we'd even sneak in a few games between classes. whoa that seems like a million years ago. were we THIS cute together?

perhaps my favorite images of the shoot (though i, too love OZZIE, but sure love golden light, too): look at the light (and the love) while amy + kyle walked out of Billiards on Broadway:

click here to see the whole amy + kyle slideshow and hey, stop into billiards on broadway if you get a chance and THEN check back here mid-july to see the pictures of amy + kyle, chapter 2: THE WEDDING.
have a great day, all!
amy enderle
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 12:09 PM 1 COMMENTS Permalink
destination: sand, sun and starfish ~ susi + david's wedding in the bahamas
Here's a love story for you: Susi . . . a mid-missouri gal, full of smarts AND talent AND kind-heartedness, heads to New York on a career-building quest but finds so much more . . . she finds David!
"true story!" as my 9-year old son used to say as a toddler. And here's what happened next: they were married at The Westin's Our Lucaya Resort on Grand Bahama Island last week and we've got the pictures to prove it! :') (hey, check out susi + david's SLIDESHOW to see just how beautiful it was!)And yes, Susi and David took SilverBox Photographers WITH them! They wanted a much more personalized and thorough documentation of their wedding and ALL it's festivities than they would get with a resort's standard photography package. Their priorities were so clear: a loving, intimate, wonderful time with family and friends . . . and all of it captured in pictures!
And wow, was Susi and David's wedding FANTASTIC! It got me thinking: what ARE the elements that make each wedding special? What are we as wedding photographers hoping to document with each and every wedding . . . we're storytellers, so what makes up each wedding's story?!
Ok, here's what's on my list at the moment (weigh in folks! what else goes on this list?!):
~ the unique character of each wedding's setting
~ emotionally-rich "found moments"
~ the beautiful faces of loved ones
~ all the wonderful details
~ light (this really dramatizes every element, but it seems to need its own category)
~ and "editorial images" (in other words, having a bit of fun and creative license with the bride and groom in those "found locations")
in no particular order, here's "the list" illustrated according to susi + david's wedding:
1. LUMINOUS LIGHT! mmmm, do i love this image! the light through the leaves and on susi's veil...the looks on both their faces...the framing of the bamboo poll and leaf2. their wedding's dramatically beautiful setting
3. EMOTIONALLY-RICH found moments (we talked about "found moments" in an earlier post . . . those moments that unfold in front of the camera's lens without the photographer's direction or interference) . . . here are a few from Susi + David's wedding . . . at the rehearsal barbecue the night before:
and on the day of their wedding . . . moments rich with anticipation, nervousness, pleasure:
the look on Susi's mother's face of (?!). . . (boy, we can all feel and know this look . . . but what words do you put to it?)
moments of pure joy and celebration
and one that I especially love . . . David's first moment with his new bride
4. the beautiful faces of susi's and david's loved ones, young and old
(this sweet little guy below apparently asked, as susi was walking down the aisle toward david and his groomsmen: "does she have to pick one now?") p.s. yes, she did, and she picked...DAVID!
5. details, details, details (boy did susi put her planning skills and creativity into these!)
(look how sexy and simple this dress detail is!)
(and this detail shot of David putting the ring onto susi's hand is one of my favorites . . . we're able to see both her engagement ring and the wedding ring poised in his fingers)
6. and the images created in "found locations" . . . images that were at least partially photographer-directed . . . while amy and I are primarily wedding photojournalists, we also love collaborating with a couple to create fashion- and location-inspired images:
Many many thanks to susi and david and their families: you all were a JOY to work with. Can we do it again?!!!!
Take a look at susi + davids' wedding slideshow. They just shared this slideshow with their guests at a reception in Missouri last night (i've waited until today to post this show to keep it a surprise until all their guests had seen). But now, here it is for everyone!
Posted by kim wade & amy enderle at 10:33 AM 3 COMMENTS Permalink
Labels: Bahamas, COUPLE-Susi+David