behind-the-scenes images document RELATIONSHIPS, that's probably why we love them so much.
i was downstairs with the guys . . .
. . . while annika captured these upstairs:
that curly-headed little flower girl is jodi's cousin.
know one knows how to help a daughter quite like a mom, no matter how grown up we become ;D
o, relationships!
when MY SON gets married, THIS is exactly the kind of picture i'd love to have:
(kim, just how far out are you booking? ~ we're probably 20-25 years away, but pictures matter most!!)
lourdes here in columbia affords some great angles.
curls - revisited:
and how fun are these bubbles! hee-hee . . .
jodi was a traffic-stopping kind of beauty:
we don't always include posed group shots on the blog.
but not long ago i was showing someone my portfolio and they said,
"i've been looking at wedding photographers' work for as long as i can remember
and i've never seen anyone do a better job with group shots than SilverBox"~ oh gosh (blushing now) thank you! first. wow, yes, THANK YOU. second, hhmmm, maybe we should poset 'em up ever so often:
the secret to good "formalish" group shots like the one above~
a. time in your day's itinerary to gather at a lovely setting
b. communication
c. getting OUTSIDE and into open shade whenever possible
d. two little traveling stools~
as for the not-so-formal ones, the real key is a willingness to move ;)
sun-drenched is all the rage these days.
it's driving me CRAZY how many photographers are resorting to photoshop tricks + actions
when THIS can be found just outside the front door.
whew how HOT is this couple!
jodi confessed that when she first met scott and was putting his number into her cell phone,
she listed him as "hottie scotttie" ~ LOVE those kinds of insights and reveals.
"HOT" is actually what inspired the first song on THEIR SLIDESHOW;
it's from the soundtrack to "The Hottest State" ~ i don't have the slighest idea what this song says,
but find it HAUNTINGLY beautiful, and just couldn't pass it up. that 2nd song is going to sound familiar.
oh, and did i mention that scott is a baseball player?
(annika and i had to actively resist the temptation to spoon that baseball right into a bowl, something about it looks so enticing)
remember when you were a kid and when a birthday cake was getting cut, everyone would point to the part they'd want:
"i want the clown's HAT!"
"i want a part of the rainbow!"
remember, girls, seeing a bride at a wedding and feeling THIS:
and remember meeting people and thinking "when i grow up THAT'S HOW i want to be!"
well, to me, it happened again:
weddings are a good thing!
we think this a lot, but don't always take the time to write it:
there aren't very many times in our busy lives when everyone we love is in one room at one time.
your wedding.
that's pretty much it.
people come from across the country. from around the world.
the guests you hold near and dear will change their vacation schedule, their work schedule, their child's nap schedule.
are weddings an indulgence?
we'd argue that weddings, the gathering these people in one place at one time and saying
"i LOVE you and you matter more than ANYTHING" -- no, weddings aren't an indulgence.
weddings are what life is all about.
treasure. savor. enjoy.
ps oh yes, for you fans of the "embedded show"
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