
erin + mitch and lucky stars


and remember . . .

THIS is erin.
yep, she's hot.
and cool.
and has great friends.
(more on those friends in just a moment . . . )

want to know what else?
SUCH cute parents:

oh, AND recently, well, she married this really great guy.

meet mitch: the one in the front ;D

speaking of mitch, HE has very cute parents, too!
(and both bride and groom have terrific and downright kissable siblings, but goodness, some thing has gotta wait for the highlight show!)

OK - bonus pic coming up.
this is like "s-curve" galore.

she was awaiting, well:

hmmmmm......sillly ol' blogger is toying around with these colors;
oh well, they'll PRINT beautifully!!!!
and in the meantime, how about a few more details:

there's never a finer detail then ones found in this particular box.
(-- and how nice of mitch to present this to his bride in lovely outdoor daylight. thanks, man!)

and speaking of things we love.
spunky precocious flower girls top the list. what a great kid!!!

have we mentioned these top-notch venues yet?

Country Club Christian Church in Kansas City
and the historic Meuhlebach Lobby downtown.


AND the scrumptious weather.
oh what a fabulous day to walk about with friends!!

and we just can't mention mitch + erin's friends without a nod to SilverBox couple anne + doug.
it was at THEIR wedding that mitch, erin and i first met.

(and oh i'm so happy to have had this opportunity to document the unfolding moments of mitch + erin's day.
PLUS with both kim wade AND annika miller on hand, you know i was thanking my lucky stars!)

let's see:
great couple.
unseasonably sunny weather.
historic + wonderful venues.
friends as lovely inside as out.
fabulous flower girl to keep us all on our toes.
wedding families that make me cherish everything about what being a family means
PLUS the best business partner and shooting assistant on the planet.

gosh if only there were a great lil' guest book (oh, wait!)

guess in sum it's best said that mitch and erin's wedding left not a single thing to be desired.
and soon SOON you'll be able to see their wedding highlight slideshow with so much more.

on a personal note; what a tough time it's been for me and my family. i'm not going to get into it here. there's a rule against blog-complaining i think. but lots of you are not only in the know, you've offered the very hugs we've needed.
thank you, thank you, thank you for the cards, the squeezes, the whole nine yards.
what an amazing village we find ourselves in.
am just hoping you feel that love flowing back to you b/c oh boy, please know that you are appreciated and so very loved.
life -- it's quite a journey.

enough rambling by me, i've got a slideshow to finish up -- check back soon.
AND JUST YOU WAIT until you see the next 2 engagement shoots kim and i will be posting this week. lots of good stuff going on.

hugs to all!



Unknown said...

Amy and Kim...awesome job, can't wait to see all the pics!!!
Love them all, thank you SO much.

Jennie said...

Great pics as usual...hope that smiles are headed your way sooner than soon!

No rules against blog complaining...and if you want to phone a friend, our line is always open. :)

Can't wait for more pics!

Unknown said...

LOVED the slideshow! i especially adore the pic of the bride with her father before going down the aisle where he kissed her forehead... so touching.

and you used andy davis! made me smile real big!! LOVE him.