
a bit behind, but Feeling Good . . .

remember being little, thinking how ridiculous adults sounded when they said:
"My how time flies" or
"Where has this month gone" ? ? ?
And now it's me. Does this mean I'm old? [note: hey that's meant to be rhetorical only :~ ]
Since I last made an entry I've documented the wedding celebrations of 3 very different but incredibly wonderful couples.
Cristina & Matt were married July 8 here in Columbia. Their ceremony was at Missouri Methodist, a church I've shot in many times, but I've never created pictures in that sanctuary that I'm more excited about than these. Big BIG thanks to that day's assistants: Stacie Pottinger just nailed exposures from the front balcony during the ceremony and Sara Brown's timing & angles [even though she shot seated by the aisle], are tremendous.

Missouri Methodist is beautiful & awe-inspiring, but quite dark [even during the afternoon] & pretty darn tricky to photograph. Honestly I've never seen a ceremony here photographed any better than what the three of us were able to do working as a team that day. Confessing the obvious: great images are never just because a photographer was in the right place at the right time with the right equipment & know-how. It's all about the LOVE. Matt & Cristina have an amazing chemsitry. When they smiled at each other as Cristina was coming down the aisle, it was if there was no one else in the room -- nonetheless 300 friends. I think every woman in the room feel a little bit in love with Coach Matt Heet that day, but clearly it is Cristina with whom he is smitten [and vice-versa!]. How fun it will be to watch these two grow old together.

Mizzou fans will get a special kick out of this album. Take a look and see!

  • Matt & Cristina's Album

  • Oh, and one final thought. Really, just a shoutout to all involved. WOW! -- to anyone who played any part in the re-creation of the Kemper Ballroom in the recently rennovated Lela Raney Wood Hall on Stephens campus -- what magnificant work you did! This ballroom is BEAUTIFUL. The wooden plank floors, the histroric light fixture, those oversized windows; all absolutely breathtaking. What an asset to Stephens campus, to downtown Columbia and to our community's history. It was the perfect place for Matt & Cristina, a Stephens College graduate, to dance the night away. Great people. Great atmosphere. Delicious food. And friends who are fabulously fun. I haven't been creating albums of the weddings I've documented of late -- I've LOVED, LOVED Kim's, but they really take some time. With
  • these images
  • however, I just couldn't help myself -- it just seems the pictures themsevles were begging to be more than 4x6 proofs.
    It's all about the love. ~ amy


    feels like home

    Lyssa and Shawn journeyed about as far as one can -- from South Africa to Fulton, Missouri -- to be married. What a trip (20 hours in transit) and what a wedding! Friends and relatives came from across the U.S., and several made the long trip from South Africa to be at the celebration. I think my favorite shot of the day is of all of Lyssa & Shawn's guests standing together in the aisle of The Church of St. Mary, Aldermanbury (Westminster College campus)...how appropriate that Lyssa & Shawn chose to marry in this light-filled, airy church that has itself journeyed to a new home (it was re-erected in Fulton stone-by-stone after being destroyed in London during WWII).

    Shari's (Lyssa's mom's) creativity was evident in every detail, from the giraffe and zebra stools for nieces and nephews at the rehearsal dinner to the safari-print paper cones holding rose petals that guests tossed as Lyssa & Shawn ducked.

    And what a memorable reception! The toasts (speeches?!) were more moving, entertaining and substantive(!) than any I've experienced; it's not often that the words of Maya Angelou, Winston Churchill and Thabo Mbeki are invoked in the brief span of time between salad and main course. (Shawn, I'm with you. I'd swap the the American tradition of cake-in-face-smashing for the South African tradition of reception speechmaking any time! Hey, thanks to Lyssa, you dodged that one nicely!)

    So, safe journey home to you, Lyssa & Shawn. I was so taken with you two; I hope our families cross paths again soon. And thanks for introducing me to new music. The song you chose for your first dance, Chantal Kreviazuk's "Feels Like Home," is lovely. It's also perfect for your album! Come listen and look:

  • Lyssa & Shawn's Album

  • ~kim

    (p.s. the first spread of the album is actually a "book jacket," hence the writing on spine, etc.)


    how sweet it is

    Who knew that a car dealership could make a beautiful backdrop for wedding pictures?!

    I was thrilled to be back in the lovely little town of Palmyra and the bright, pastel-painted St. Joseph's Catholic Church to photograph Jenny & Adam's wedding (Lacy & Brian, two of my very first clients, were married in the very same church in October 2004).

    If you've been to Palmyra, you might have noticed that directly across the street from the church is the Lovegreen Ford Motor Company. And guess what Adam's last name is? Yep, Lovegreen! (Jenny, is it possible that you chose those beautiful pink bridesmaids dresses and flowers to coordinate with the baby-blue awning of Adam's family's ford dealership?!)

    I could tell from my first meeting with Jenny & Adam that they'd be great to work with: they were hugely enthusiastic about pictures that were full of rich and real emotion; they wanted their wedding day to be a special experience for their friends and family; and they are a sweet sweet SWEET couple! Jenny & Adam beat the July heat and had a glorious day. Come see:

  • Jenny & Adam's Album

  • ~kim


    family matters...

    Glasgow, Missouri, is one of the most charming little towns anywhere. Not only LOVELY countryside, beautifully restored 19th century homes, AND an old railroad bridge that spans the river [see Jaclyn & Adam below.]....but let's talk people:

    A few years ago I documented a wedding in Glasgow for a couple I completely fell for, head over heels. Jennifer had been a bridesmaid in a wedding I’d shot the year before. She called me when she got engaged, and from that initial meeting, oh how I hoped she’d ask me to document her wedding. I knew from the get-go what a unique celebration she’d plan. The old Catholic church is the tallest building on the tallest hill in town -- literally the first thing you see, from any direction, when driving into this little river town. It was clearly the pride of the city's founders. I remember being especially touched when I saw Jennifer’s last name set in the old stained glass. Her great grandparents, perhaps? Could it be great-great?? Discovering "Aholt" inlaid in that beautiful aged glass took my breath away, as did the remarks Devin made to his family & friends gathered for their rehearsal dinner. I was hooked. Both on this historic town and the neat people who call it home.

    The day we had created Jennifer & Devin's engagement images, the Aholt’s scheduled a family session to coincide. Three daughters, each a designer -- each with confidence, poise and a strong aesthetic sense. I was so impressed with all three sisters that I wanted to quiz & get notes from their parents. Any advice? What increases the odds of helping daughters grow into strong, impressive women? All were home for the shoot – the oldest with her husband, Jennifer with fiancé Devin, and then there was a younger, college-age sister, too. All gathered together to make apple butter, as well as a family portrait.
    And now that youngest sister is all grown-up and has found The Guy. What a great addition to family Adam will be (even if they don't call him by name ;D) How fun are these images!

    Jaclyn & Adam, I am both touched and flattered to have the opportunity to document your celebration. And Jon & Marge, thank so much for welcoming me into your home and for organizing a second family session. What a wonderful family you have! Can’t wait to see that reception tent on your lawn. Looking forward to Jaclyn’s wedding!! ~ amy