
wileyware for weddings . . . and birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day . . . EVERY DAY!

how about a little "love at first sip?!"

that's my daughter, sophie (above) checking out a brilliant, iridescent hand-blown glass designed (and this is the best part . . . ) by my dear DEAR friend and fellow artist conspirator, Marcia Wiley. Yep, marcia is a glass artist and she's created these incredible FUNCTIONAL works of art.

These glasses are AMAZING. I've now got a kitchen cabinet full of them and I'm still lusting for more.

Here's the scoop about these glasses:
~they are called "wileyware"
~they come in various shapes and colors,
~they make PERFECT wedding and anniversary gifts
~YOU CAN NOW ORDER THEM via Marcia's website at: www.wileyware.com
(or hey, if you want to place a special, custom order . . . like with gift wrapping or engraving OR if you want to set up a wedding registry, you can call marcia directly at 206-706-6051)

marcia and her son, north (i'm his proud godmama . . . and he's featured with sophie below), came to Missouri for a visit (she lives in Seattle and I try not to be too jealous about that . . . 'cause really, I DO love Missouri), and we hosted a little get-together so folks could see and touch the wileyware.

marcia, creator of wileyware, laughing out loud:

north (above) is holding a "mini" wileyware glass and sophie is holding a "fluted" wileyware glass. by the way, both these sizes are great for juice in the morning OR wine at night!

below are friends with some larger wileyware glasses:

thanks to everyone who came that day AND
thanks to friends catey and jim who lent us their beautiful kitchen so that we could hang out in light-filled space AND
thanks, with lotsa love, to marcia for bringing wileyware (and my godson, north) into the world.



Albert Kaufman said...

Thanks for this beautiful post. I have known about Wileyware since last summer at the Oregon Country Faire. I constantly marvel at the magic of these glasses. Everyone should get to enjoy them - I expect eventually they will be available via Bed, Bath and Beyond and Kitchen Kaboodle, but for now, buy them direct from the artist and amaze your friends and tickle yourself. They are ticklish, I tell ya. One of the best things to come out of Puerto Ballardo in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim-
What a great posting with fantastic pictures that capture the joy of Ms. Wiley's artistry. Jeff and I are enthusiastic sippers of her sparkly and brilliant glassware. They make every meal a fiesta and we love giving them as gifts.
Cheers! Frances in Seattle

Unknown said...

ok, so they used to hold tequila....
but now every morning
i enjoy my wheatgrass or aloe juice
in my luminous aqua wileyware shot glass!

then onto my favorite tangerine in the tall cups....

water turns into art in a well-lit room.....
the colors bounce throughout

suffuse yourself with beauty
do it every day

do it with wileyware!

what's your favorite?

--luminous in california

Mare said...

Such beautiful photos.. such beautiful glasses... I love the photography of them... and Such a beautiful woman.. That Marcia... ;~)

Great stuff, Kim... (and I can see a bit of David in Sophie too... ;~)

all the best,

Marion said...

What lovely photos! You truly do justice to your subjects.

Like Kim, I have a kitchen cabinet full of Wileyware and still lust for more. I've got about 20 pieces, at least one in every size. The regular water glass size is our favorite because that's what we usually reach for.

Although I'm a kitchen klutz, frequently knocking stuff off counters with my elbows and dropping the occasional dish (I use only porcelain dishes because they're hard to break!) I have yet to damage a piece of Wileyware, after about 18 months of using it every day.

And it's completely dishwasher-safe. In fact, one of my Wileyware juice glasses fell over in the dishwasher last year and knocked into a tempered-glass Arcoroc tumbler. The Arcoroc broke--the Wileyware just smirked. Yet another reason to just make 'em all Wileyware!

A K Mimi Allin said...

I am proud to report that I have 2 Wileyware glasses on my bathroom sink. Together they make a poem. From the very first time I bought glass from Marcia back in 2004, I have asked her to engrave lines of poetry on the bases and she has. Unless you know to look for the poems, they are almost invisible, which is nice too. I have one wee Wileyware glass one on my boat. That also has a poem. I got sets for 3 friends when they were married and a duet for my Mother too. Everyone who gets them loVes them!! And when they eventually find their poem, which they do, that's a second gift. It's nice to finally see some really good images of these beautiful objects!!! The beauty of their creator shines through them.
Much love from The Poetess at Green Lake

Jenna said...

Love my Wileyware!!!! I am a luster as well. How can something be SO mesmerizing? I rarely store my Wileyware in the cabinet. At least two are always on a windowsill catches light, or on my desk, bouncing the colors of the day and transforming with every second. How lucky a girl am I to drink in such inspiration everyday.

And the Mistress of the Glass definitely infuses her charm and magic into every glass.

Average glass: $5
Wileyware: pricless

And now with the carnival colors, I know more will be making their way to my windowsill soon.


Kendyl said...

This is art that, at a visceral level, affects those who interact with it. Being that I work with Marcia selling Wileyware, I can attest to this. It shows in the expressions of those who pass by the booth, whose eyes are caught by the color and the sparkle of the glass, not to mention those qualities in the artist herself!

These glasses have the ability to turn a gloomy February day into a celebration of joy...reason enough that EVERYBODY should have at least one piece of Wileyware to love.

Annika's Photography said...

that sophie! what a colorful kiddo :)