ok, no beating around the bush here.
katie was one of those soon-to-be brides i just knew i liked before i'd even finished reading her first email.
if personality + sass + fun can jump out of an email message for goodness sakes, whew, good things must be in store!

so yay, yay, yay
this song (to some) may seem...um more like a break-up song (?) than an
i-love-you-lets-get-married song (perhaps, BUT)
okay, follow along:
so i was smitten with katie before i even met her + flattered that she thought SilverBox would be a good fit.
THEN we met in person (with her mom, too! - hooray!!) to peek at portfolios + sample albums + talk weddings and by the end of that meeting, oh i loved her even MORE . . . and
THEN last week i came face to face with her TOO CUTE FOR WORDS HOUSE, her fun, fabulous pet people who share her place . . .

. . . AND her A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e man:

"Michael" I joked "wow how could you NOT marry this girl?" -- "I Know" says Michael "she is PERFECT!"
THEN, with the two of them touching, smiling + giggling and me thinking "whoa, can it get any better than this?" we walk into katie's dining room, find the MOST charming dining room set i've EVER seen (katie's grandparents table + chairs) AND find fresh-from-the-oven cupcakes sitting there. no kidding . . . made from scratch, by KATIE. (you'd think she was a LOSAPIO if you didn't know any better...)

so have you clicked on the link and seen this show yet?? -- that line: "a guy that says goodbye to you would be out of his mind" - that's Micahel's line; see??!!!!
and that "come to my defense" part well THAT makes me think of them, too -- Michael just graduated from law school and is preparing to take the bar....he's the defense attorney type yet "SO SWEET + POLITE"
You don't need to change a thing about you baby ~ from where I sit you're one of kind.

Thank you for being so one-of-a-kind, michael + katie. And thanks calling SilverBox. And thanks for having such fabulous day-in-our-life ideas for your engagement shoot and BIG THANKS for sending me home with all those cupcakes. love, love, LOVE it all!
~ amy enderle

PS kim and i have so many more pictures and slideshows coming up it's not even funny. We've been sooo busy, but oh, it's our most favorite time of the year. so keep checking back, new stuff to see pretty much everyday.